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Spelling for Cardmakers


So, you've made a lovely card with a lovely matching envelope and it all looks gorgeous. Except there's something not quite right.  Maybe you're not sure of the grammar?  Or is that apostrophe out of place?

If you're making a card for someone, they will generally appreciate the thought and effort you've put into it and won't mind too much about a bit of wayward spelling. But if you're making cards for resale, then they do require more careful checking.

Here's a few of the most common mix-ups:

lose = opposite of find (or, in the sense of sympathy cards, to lose someone)
loose = opposite of tight

It's = it is
Its = belonging to it

you're = you are
your or yours = belonging to you

they're = they are
their or theirs = belonging to them
there = opposite of here


If you're not sure where to put an apostrophe, just remember that it usually indicates that a letter has been left out:-

  • Mary's looking well = Mary is looking well;     
    Michael's gone home = Michael has gone home

or to indicate possession:

  • Mary's birthday cake is delicious


Hint: you don't need an apostrophe in a straightforward plural, so there wouldn't usually be an apostrophe in a word at the end of a sentence:-

  • Mary bought new shoe's.

is NOT correct.

Maybe there's another kind of error you frequently come across, or something you keep getting mixed up yourself?  Let us know and we'll add it to this list.

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